When a resident first arrives at Carter Hope Center, they
will be guided through the
 intake process which
includes a health and physical assessment
along with medical testing and
an orientation group.

Residents Will Attend:

  1. Individual Counseling Sessions
  2. Early Recovery Skills Groups
  3. Relapse Prevention Groups
  4. Addiction Education Groups
  5. Sunlight Therapy Groups
  6. Mindfulness/Meditation Groups
  7. Process Group Therapies…
  8. Along with a minimum of four 12-step meetings per week.

Employment Goals

If the resident is not employed, they will be required to search for employment until it is obtained. Individuals are encouraged to stay nine months in order to benefit from our program.

Regarding Expenses

We require that they work and pay a $250.00 weekly fee for services. We have 42 beds available for men and 10 beds for women

The minimum age for admission is 18.

What Your Fees Cover

The fees pay for group sessions, individual counseling, rent, food and utilities including secure wireless internet for streaming.

Ready To Take The First Step?

By clicking  I’m Ready to Begin the Admissions Process, you will be starting one of the most important journeys of your life. Or if you’d like to speak to someone immediately, please call 706-226-7044.